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Unveil My Voice

A 7-Week Initiation Empowering Women to Graduate from the Subconscious & Ancestral Fear of Speaking Up And Being Seen

In Unveil My Voice, we delve deeply into our subconscious programming as those born into womb-bearing bodies and clear unconscious vows to the collective feminine pain body that bind our expression, passed from woman to woman over generations.

Tired of going mute, abandoning your needs, asking for what you think they’ll be a yes to rather than what you actually want? Are you ready to retire the programming you received as a little girl to smile, be polite, stay small and put pleasing others above all else?

If your voice were unveiled, who and how would you be?

Unveil My Voice

6 Sessions Over 7 Weeks

October 10-November 21 (Times in PDT)

Oct. 10th 6-7:30pm with Alexis

Oct. 17th 6-7:30pm with Alexis

Oct. 24th 6-7:30pm with Naomi

Oct. 31st Integration *No Live Session*

Nov. 7th 6-7:30pm with Alexis

Nov. 14th 6-7:30pm with Naomi

Nov. 21st 6-7:30pm with Alexis

Now with 2x’s as many LIVE sessions and the addition of guest teacher Naomi Wilder


🌙 4 *90 minute* Live group subconscious reprogramming & coaching sessions with Alexis

🌙 1 *90 minute* Live Gestalt Therapy Session with Naomi

🌙 1 *90-minute* Live Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & Breathwork Session with Naomi

🌙 Customized soul retrieval assignments and ritual offerings

🌙 PDF’s of all teaching materials

🌙 Special bonuses each week

Investment: $1,111 or 3 Monthly Payments of $404

(Likely the last time offered at this price)

This intimate Circle is for you if you want to:

  • Stop freezing & fawning
  • Stop pretending you’re small
  • Stop stopping before you start
  • Stop doubting yourself
  • Stop comparison self-harm
  • Feel confident
  • Say what needs to be said
  • Feel more alive
  • Enjoy your relationships more
  • Start or scale that business

Need a kickstart to your entire life? Want to reveal the FULL you under all the good girl/play safe conditioning? Are you ready to unleash your wild woman? To see how good it can get when you stop hiding?

Are you a purpose-driven woman wanting to take your career to the next level? A musician wanting to finally cut that record or get the recognition you deserve? A woman who’s been shrinking to fit inside her relationships and yearns to be cherished for ALL of who she is?

Unveil My Voice is made for you!

What graduates say about Unveil My Voice:

Transform your life, career and relationships and achieve the results you want!