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I built Sovereign University to answer a call I heard from the collective…

Your call.

To reveal the navigation system for life that lives within you.

I built it to enter a timeline in which ...

no one must sacrifice integrity for success, sovereignty for connection or authenticity for belonging.

A world of regeneration, collaboration and equity, where it's safe to build each other up rather than tear each other down.

Knowing this is possible is why you’re here.

Sovereign University

Mission Statement

To activate congruence of desire, integrity and action in all areas of life for optimal fulfillment and impact in the world.

Sovereign University


To witness humanity move out of fear into love, reclaim our innocence and activate our power to fulfill our personal mission while honoring all life as sacred and interconnected, thereby restoring equity to the world.

About Alexis

Alexis Ware, L.Ac., MSTCM, Matriarch at Sovereign University™, formerly Theta School of Magic (2010), is a licensed acupuncturist with a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (PCOM San Diego, 2009), certified ThetaHealer® and ThetaHealing® instructor with 17 years’ experience in restructuring subconscious belief systems. She is a Human Design strategist, Reiki Master and life & connection coach with comprehensive training in the Principles of Eros (OneTaste®, 2013-2016). Today, Alexis specializes in midwifing radical transformation through major life portals, such as death, divorce, and the menoportal (aka moonapause). She built Sovereign University for the creatives whose souls, like yours, are burning to create the reciprocal, sustainable and nutritive life, community, relationships and world we know are possible.

What is Sovereign University?

Sovereign University is a place to explore all aspects of sovereignty in connection. It is a center for resources on the journey home to self, love, purpose, meaning and truth and a place to meet other humans on the path to sovereignty.

What is Sovereign University’s culture and mindset?

All paths lead to Love, it’s just a matter of what route you take and what you want the scenery to look like along the way.

Sovereignty does not have to mean disconnection as it typically has in our past.  It is possible to be sovereign without posturing, demeaning or patronizing. You do not need to be a despot to be sovereign over yourself and your physical, energetic, mental and emotional domain.

It is safe to feel.

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